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Personalie: Dr. Christoph Samwer wird Vorstand der HUK24 AG

Coburg (ots) - Mit Wirkung zum 15.9.2024 hat der...

25 Jahre Deutscher Eigenkapitaltag des BVK

Berlin (ots) - Zum 25. Deutschen Eigenkapitaltag (DET) des...

Gesundheit steigert den Geschäftserfolg: Wie gestresste Führungskräfte mit Jay...

Ittlingen (ots) - Im stressigen Berufsalltag fällt es oft...

Thank you for the hundreds and hundreds of messages of support you’ve sent us since August 18, 2020.

The last words are yours (taken from all social networks and emails):

« Sad news. Your work was insightful and your energy, contagious »
Pascal Rocha da Silva
Délégué à la promotion économique – Ville et District de Morges

« So sad! Thank you for the quality of your contribution for a different vision of the Swiss economy. Best wishes for the future to the whole team!🤞 »
Sergio Lizzola – Founder LK Forensic Company

« Broken hearted as I was a huge fan of your work. Antonio Natale and I were proud to have Tanya Konig and her colleague visit us in Geneva last year for a project we were looking forward to bring to life with you. Thank you so much for your professionalism and dedication. I hope our paths will cross again soon. Good luck for the future wherever you may go. »
Christine Ruiz-Kerendi
Psychologist and Executive Consultant

« Thanks for all the work and research you put into CNNMoney Switzerland and the Swiss ecosystem. We will miss your services and partnership at Impact Hub Zürich and Impact Hub Switzerland. »
Karin Andrea Stephan
Management, Community Ecosystem Building at Impact Hub Zurich

« Very sad indeed. You brought a dynamic and fresh view on the economy of Switzerland. Hoping for the best for all of you! Failure is exclusive to innovator and risk taker, I am sure you have learned more than the one who didn’t take the challenge! »
Christophe Nicolas
Group CIO Kudelski Group

« Thank you for all the work you have done. I have enjoyed CNNMS very much over the course of last 3 years and to all the staff, good luck in your future careers. »
Jozef Snopek
Product Quality

« Such a loss for the Swiss business community in general, but especially the Start-up community will miss your support and enthusiasm! »
Judith Hayashi
Promotions Manager at CTIA Ltd

« What a shame. Loved your work. »
Angel Au-Yeung
Staff Writer at FORBES Magazine

« This is such a shame… we will miss you too!!! Thanks for all the great work! »
Brigitte Münch
Solution Finder at BM Blue Mountain GmBh

“This saddens me. I loved watching your content.”
Sophia Shilimintri-Jaquier
Marketing & Operations Strategist

“Sad times! I’ll very much miss listening to you! My best to the whole team! »
Andrea Delannoy
President MOD-ELLE

“We will miss you CNNMoney Switzerland team 🇨🇭 »
Ovide Alexandru
Entrepreneur & Investor

„The end of everything is always the beginning of something better. Keeping the path, you are still on the way of something better.“
Pablo Beltran
CEO Madrid

“This is sooo sad. Your services and personnel will be sorely missed!”
Chris Laurent
Director/Head EMEA Partnerships ACHIKO

“It’s a pity !“
Alfonso Gomez
CEO BBVA Switzerland

„Sad news for us and for journalism”
Barbara Burzi

“Sorry to hear that! I will miss your reports, interviews, and your good mood. I really wish all the best for your future!💪 „
Ilidio Silva
Professor Finance and Accounting HIM

“CNN MS was very much appreciated in the underserved Swiss business news market. Perhaps also a sign of the times as advertising spend continues to migrate to social media (and therefore the tax benefits leak abroad).“
Thomas Crawley

“It’s a pity ! I have always appreciated the relevance of the subjects covered and the quality of your journalists. I wish you all good luck for new adventures and thank you for everything! »
Yves Froppier
President PositivePlanet CH

“Thank you a lot CNN Money Switzerland. I hope there will be a chance to restart that initiative in the near future. Good luck for whole team!“
Chris Krzysztof Szarski
Senior Digital & e-Commerce Manager

« A great shame. Very interesting and very insightful …hopefully it may find new life in a different form and it’s certainly highlighted the popularity and demand for a Channel such as this in Switzerland. Best wishes to the Team. »
Michael Carrighan
Change Specialist, Head of Marketing

“That’s very sad! I was a huge fan of CNN Money Switzerland, especially of the insightful interviews with accomplished experts and individuals.”
Jeremy Henrichs

“Best TV contents I’ve ever seen, good luck, everyone!”
Stefano Bogani

“I keep wondering if perhaps CNNMoney Switzerland might have succeeded if they hadn’t been up against a giant licence-fee financed media institution that hardly lets privately financed channels any room to flourish…“
Andy Jenk

« The market is limited for balanced reporting.”
Carl Byron Rodgers

“It was fun learning about business in your country from over here in the US. Thanks. »
Steven Heizmann, CPA

« A sad day for journalism »
Triona McHale
Head of Marketing SolarShare

“What a sad day for Swiss journalism. Many thanks for covering our industry so very well! This will be truly missed.“
Jörg Polzer
Communications & Marketing Executive, Sports & Entertainment

“You all did an incredible job! Good luck with your next adventures”
Michael O’Sullivan
Head of Global Marketing, Sensefly

“Thank you to the entire team at CNNMoney Switzerland and especially Christophe Rasch and Andreas Schaffner and the amazing anchor team over the years with Ana Maria Montero, Hannah Wise, Tanya König, Martina Fuchs and Olivia Chang for your work and dedication!”
Stephan Lendi

“Great content and great business English-language platform. The whole Acatena team will miss you. “
Matteo Panzavolta
CEO Acatena

“I always look forward your content in English. It is sad news and your presence will be greatly missed! :(“
Cristina C. Fleckenstein
Credit Suisse

“Was a great English Swiss channel ! What a pity to hear this news. Congrats and well done for all the hard and quality work“
Lalla Myriam Mercier
Manager Workplace Building

“Bravo pour la qualité de vos interviews et votre professionnalisme. C’est par contre très dommage pour la diversité des chaines TV en Suisse et pour l’ensemble de votre personnel qui est impacté par la fin de vos activités. Bon courage pour la suite.“
Kevin Grau,
Chargé de clientèle Senior Kessler & Co

« Thank you to everyone at CNNMoney Switzerland and especially Andreas Schaffner Hannah Wise Ana Maria Montero and everyone in the Zurich control room for the professionalism and insight you brought to your audiences regularly. Wishing you all the best! »
Norman Villamin
CIO Wealth Management
UPB Union Bancaire Privée


Personalie: Dr. Christoph Samwer wird Vorstand der HUK24 AG

Coburg (ots) - Mit Wirkung zum 15.9.2024 hat der...

25 Jahre Deutscher Eigenkapitaltag des BVK

Berlin (ots) - Zum 25. Deutschen Eigenkapitaltag (DET) des...

Gesundheit steigert den Geschäftserfolg: Wie gestresste Führungskräfte mit Jay Roata mehr Geld verdienen

Ittlingen (ots) - Im stressigen Berufsalltag fällt es oft...

Den Immobilienkauf richtig angehen – Experte gibt Tipps für eine fundierte Entscheidung

Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Eine eigene Immobilie gehört...

Nicht verpassen

Personalie: Dr. Christoph Samwer wird Vorstand der HUK24 AG

Coburg (ots) - Mit Wirkung zum 15.9.2024 hat der...

25 Jahre Deutscher Eigenkapitaltag des BVK

Berlin (ots) - Zum 25. Deutschen Eigenkapitaltag (DET) des...

Gesundheit steigert den Geschäftserfolg: Wie gestresste Führungskräfte mit Jay Roata mehr Geld verdienen

Ittlingen (ots) - Im stressigen Berufsalltag fällt es oft...

Den Immobilienkauf richtig angehen – Experte gibt Tipps für eine fundierte Entscheidung

Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Eine eigene Immobilie gehört...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Personalie: Dr. Christoph Samwer wird Vorstand der HUK24 AG

Coburg (ots) - Mit Wirkung zum 15.9.2024 hat der Aufsichtsrat Dr. Christoph Samwer zum Vorstand der HUK24 AG bestellt. Der 40-Jährige übernimmt das Ressort...

25 Jahre Deutscher Eigenkapitaltag des BVK

Berlin (ots) - Zum 25. Deutschen Eigenkapitaltag (DET) des Bundesverband Beteiligungskapital (BVK) versammeln sich heute im Berliner Futurium rund 400 führende Branchenvertreter sowie hochrangige...

Gesundheit steigert den Geschäftserfolg: Wie gestresste Führungskräfte mit Jay Roata mehr Geld verdienen

Ittlingen (ots) - Im stressigen Berufsalltag fällt es oft schwer, die eigene Gesundheit an erste Stelle zu setzen - insbesondere, wenn man die Verantwortung...