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Nach Bierpreis-Schock zum Oktoberfest: Knuspr friert Bierpreise ein /...

München (ots) - In wenigen Tagen startet die 189....

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem...

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...


As IBM and Google compete to dominate quantum computing, many wonder what this growing field has to offer the world. According to James Wootton, researcher at IBM Research in Zurich, quantum computing can solve science and business problems that regular computing cannot. The IBM Q Network is working with Fortune 500 companies to advance the field, and last month IBM announced the first IBM Quantum Computation Center in New York.

Quantum computing: leaping out of the lab and into our lives
As IBM and Google compete to dominate quantum computing, many wonder what this growing field has to offer the world. According to James Wootton, researcher at IBM Research in Zurich, quantum computing can solve science and business problems that regular computing cannot. The IBM Q Network is working with Fortune 500 companies to advance the field, and last month IBM announced the first IBM Quantum Computation Center in New York.

Meet the world’s largest e-ferry
Ellen, the world’s largest electric ferry, sets a record for how long it can go without a recharge. The e-ferry is powered by specialized Swiss Leclanché lithium-ion batteries.

A glimpse into the world’s largest, most powerful electric ferry
There are many electric ferries being rolled out, but none are quite like Ellen. Using only clean energy generated from wind turbines, the e-ferry is funded by the European Commission and powered by lithium-ion batteries from Swiss firm Leclanché. CNNMoney Switzerland was invited on board the record-breaking vessel in Denmark for an exclusive look at its design and to talk about how Ellen could shape the future of electric transport.

LiFi technology may be the answer to the dangers of 5G
Implementing 5G could push Switzerland past its allowed limit for radio waves. “You need ten times more antennas, ten times more power than with 4G,” says Suat Topsu, inventor and CEO of Erganeo. His solution is a new version of LiFi, a technology that uses LED light to transmit data safely, which may significantly reduce the number of antennas needed for 5G.

German tech start-up waiting for a “yes” from the Swiss
After the 2008 financial crisis, the shipping industry took a hard hit. SkySails CEO Stephan Wrage saw an opportunity for his special technology: using massive kites to propel ships and produce electrical power. “We’re sold out for next year, for the first time ever,” he says. Wrage goes on to explain why competition makes him happy and why Switzerland, which has said “no” many times, could really benefit from their technology.

How Swiss start-ups can benefit from India’s health-tech boom
Swissnex India sees the rise of India’s medtech sector as potentially advantageous to Swiss start-ups. But the relationship could be mutually beneficial, says Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan, principal scientific adviser to India’s government: “There’s a substantial fire in the belly in India, and there’s a substantial capability in Switzerland.”

SBB needs foreign workers to stay on track, says its CEO
Access to the EU and the free movement of people are high on the priority list for the outgoing CEO of SBB, Andreas Meyer. When it comes to internal competition, however, he’s “absolutely convinced” that it doesn’t help consumers. His bets for the future are more on digitalization of the so-called mobility chains.

How Switzerland plans to stay ahead of the world’s mobility competition
From trains to buses to e-scooters, SBB and Lucerne-based Axon Vibe explain how they plan to integrate all forms of Swiss mobility under one app. While their new platform integrates Google Maps, Axon Vibe insists that it will treat data privacy in a “totally different way.” And it hopes this app will be a hit in foreign markets, too.


10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...

Studie: Globaler KI-Markt wächst dreimal so schnell wie der Tech-Markt

Paris/Hamburg (ots) - - Fast jeder dritte KI-Dollar...

Nicht verpassen

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...

Studie: Globaler KI-Markt wächst dreimal so schnell wie der Tech-Markt

Paris/Hamburg (ots) - - Fast jeder dritte KI-Dollar...

Start in den E-Commerce: Giuseppe Pistone bringt angehende Amazon Reseller auf den richtigen Weg

Schwerte (ots) - Reselling auf Amazon ist eine gute...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Nach Bierpreis-Schock zum Oktoberfest: Knuspr friert Bierpreise ein / Stimmungsbarometer zu Trank und Speisen bei diesjähriger Wiesn

München (ots) - In wenigen Tagen startet die 189. Wiesn. Besonders im Fokus dieses Jahr: die Bierpreise. Zum ersten Mal überschreitet der Preis für...

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen und blickt auf eine beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte zurück. Seit der Gründung der deutschen...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk durch eine neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet, einem Anbieter von integrierten Lösungen für Service- und Reinigungsrobotik,...