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Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und...

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz...

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23....

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die...


Europe was an early leader in artificial intelligence and despite great strides made in the U.S. and China, top tech investor Siraj Khaliq says the advantage still belongs to Europe. In part two, he talks about his run at Google when it was still just a start-up, about his own start-up being acquired by Monsanto, and stresses that the only way to have diversity in the tech world is to force the issue.


Debiopharm: We’re more flexible than the Swiss pharma giants
The focus at Debiopharm is on the drugs, says its president Thierry Mauvernay. The Lausanne-based private company says its smaller, less complicated structure is key to producing disruptive drugs, something that Mauvernay says is difficult for larger Swiss pharma rivals. He credits Debiopharm’s business model as the reason the company has some promising new cancer drugs in the pipeline.

Financial historian on Mario Draghi and the ECB’s big misstep
Tobias Straumann, professor of financial history at the University of Zurich, has some harsh criticism of former European Central Bank head Mario Draghi and the policies of the last few years. In part two, he talks about what’s wrong with Europe’s monetary union, the ECB’s “wrong theory,” and why many Swiss don’t really care about negative interest rates.

Forget Brexit: There’s another storm brewing in Europe, says Straumann
While all eyes are on Brexit and trade disputes, Tobias Straumann, professor of financial history at the University of Zurich, is worried—even pessimistic—about the situation in southern Europe, which he compares to pre-WWII, 1930s Germany. “Be very careful about what you’re doing,” Straumann says, directing his comments to the EU.

Employees and leaders are struggling, says SIYLI’s Von der Assen
Currently a USD 1 billion industry and growing, the mindfulness approach is being used by companies to retain employees and keep them engaged, while business leaders are using it to improve their methods. In part two, Angelika von der Assen from the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute explains the methodology but stresses that “this is not a quick fix.”

Can mindfulness help the “massive crisis” in business leadership?
Angelika von der Assen is Switzerland’s first certified teacher from the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), pioneered at tech giant Google. SIYLI’s neuroscientific approach of mindfulness has been embraced in the U.S. and is gaining traction in Switzerland. Notable Swiss companies like AXA, Credit Suisse and ABB are working with Von der Assen to become “more open and present” and tackle the stresses of the corporate world.

How European airlines get it wrong, according to Helvetic Airways CEO
European airlines could stand to learn from their U.S. counterparts, says Helvetic Airways CEO Tobias Pogorevc. Their business models, he adds, give them more flexibility and reduce complexity. In part two, Pogorevc talks about how Europe can push ahead in the global airlines industry and how Helvetic is leaning more toward a wet lease model.

Helvetic Airways CEO confident about new fleet despite A220 comparison
Helvetic Airways unveiled the new Embraer E190-E2 aircraft to its fleet today. CEO Tobias Pogorevc says the investment will “transform us to a more modern, environmentally-friendly airline.” The recently grounded Swiss A220 flights contained similar engines, but Pogorevc remains confident that the rollout of the new vessels won’t be impacted.


Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Nicht verpassen

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Erfolgsgeschichte: Arla Milchwerk in Upahl feiert 30-jähriges Bestehen – Millionen Investitionen vorgesehen

Upahl (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) (ots) - Drei Jahrzehnte erfolgreiche Produktion hochwertiger...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für das Marketing von Quirin Privatbank und quirion verantwortlich - Mit seinem 18-köpfigen Team will er den...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company ist ab sofort Teil der Ingenieur-, Architektur- und Managementberatung Ramboll. Die 160 Mitarbeitenden von SCC...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23. eGovernment-Wettbewerb die Gewinnerprojekte für die Verwaltungsmodernisierung

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die besten Projekte ausgewählt. In einem öffentlichen Online-Voting haben zudem 4.937 Bürgerinnen und Bürger ihr Lieblingsprojekt...