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Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und...

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz...

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23....

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die...


Eugen Perger, senior analyst at Research Partners, sees strong tailwinds for Swiss power producers like BKW, Romande Energie, and Alpiq. In his view, larger producers should be profitable at current price levels, and considering that unfavorable hedging deals will expire next year, he says better results can be expected.

A stock exchange that measures social returns
As impact investing gains in popularity, the industry is coming under mounting pressure to develop standards for evaluating real change. Karen Wendt, CEO of Eccos Impact, says one “market solution to end the mess” would involve setting up a stock exchange for these assets.

Expect more green regulations in wake of elections, says UBS economist
With Switzerland’s two green parties making historic gains in national elections yesterday, UBS Switzerland’s chief economist Daniel Kalt says he expects more regulations to come concerning sustainability. But he warns against bans or excessive government intervention, calling for incentives such as a tax on carbon emitting fossil fuels instead.

A “free for all” direction in trade not the way to go, says Evenett
Ahead of the IMF meeting in Washington D.C. and the Brexit vote in the UK, Simon Evenett of the University of St. Gallen talks about the future of multilateral agreements and globalization in general. In his view, the large economies are moving in a “free for all” direction where countries won’t respect the rules and will grab as much market share of the world market as they can. “I think it is the wrong way to go,” says Evenett.

Climate is a key issue in Swiss national elections
Climate concerns are key among voters ahead of this Sunday’s national elections. Turnout is also expected to pass 50 percent for the first time in 40 years.

Apple on track to outsell the entire Swiss watch industry
The shift from analog to digital is leaving Swiss watchmakers behind amid growing demand for watches that do much more than tell time. Apple has grabbed about 50 percent of the smartwatch market in just five years and will probably sell more watches this year than the entire Swiss industry, says Alexander Linz, head of content at WatchAdvisor.com.

Negative interest rates benefit robo-advisers, says Decartes Finance
In recent months, there has been a backlash against robo-advising. But Adriano Lucatelli, co-founder and CEO of Descartes Finance, sees the current negative-interest-rate environment as being advantageous to robo-advisers since saving costs is crucial for consumers.

Smile aims to become the Netflix of insurance industry
Smile, the direct insurance arm of Helvetia, says it benchmarks itself against tech companies like Netflix, as it looks to shake-up the industry with its monthly subscription model and mobile-first approach. CEO Pierangelo Campopiano is targeting premium volumes of CHF 100 million in the next year.


Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Nicht verpassen

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Erfolgsgeschichte: Arla Milchwerk in Upahl feiert 30-jähriges Bestehen – Millionen Investitionen vorgesehen

Upahl (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) (ots) - Drei Jahrzehnte erfolgreiche Produktion hochwertiger...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für das Marketing von Quirin Privatbank und quirion verantwortlich - Mit seinem 18-köpfigen Team will er den...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company ist ab sofort Teil der Ingenieur-, Architektur- und Managementberatung Ramboll. Die 160 Mitarbeitenden von SCC...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23. eGovernment-Wettbewerb die Gewinnerprojekte für die Verwaltungsmodernisierung

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die besten Projekte ausgewählt. In einem öffentlichen Online-Voting haben zudem 4.937 Bürgerinnen und Bürger ihr Lieblingsprojekt...