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Nach Bierpreis-Schock zum Oktoberfest: Knuspr friert Bierpreise ein /...

München (ots) - In wenigen Tagen startet die 189....

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem...

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...


Over 770 pledges were made and USD 10 billion committed in support of refugees at the first Global Refugee Forum, held in Geneva last December. Here’s how private sector organizations, including the Lego Foundation, are contributing: by pledging USD 250 million in total.


How businesses are stepping up for refugees
Over 770 pledges were made and USD 10 billion committed in support of refugees at the first Global Refugee Forum, held in Geneva last December. Here’s how private sector organizations, including the Lego Foundation, are contributing: by pledging USD 250 million in total.

Booming global health sector overtakes human rights in Geneva, report says
Geneva’s public health sector, anchored by the WHO, has boomed over the last two decades and is now surpassing human rights in terms of economic importance, says Boris Mabillard, journalist and author of a new report commissioned by the Fondation pour Genève.

When philanthropy is accused of jeopardizing democracy
The influence wielded by large foundations is a controversial topic in the U.S., where a handful donors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—a key contributor to Gavi and The Global Fund in Geneva—account for most of the world’s philanthropy. CNNMoney Switzerland asks Henry Peter, head of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy, whether power is also an issue with foundations in Switzerland when it comes to the allocation of funds.

GESDA foundation matches CHF 3 million public funding with private donor
A new Geneva-based foundation that wants to advance the next big trends in scientific research has secured CHF 3 million in funding from a private donor— matching the sum already awarded by the Swiss government, its chairman tells CNNMoney Switzerland. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) and former Nestlé CEO, says the new foundation will help “create a competitive advantage for Geneva.”

Killer robots: a growing business that’s raising questions
Military spending into artificial intelligence is expected to grow up to USD 18.82 billion by 2025. At this pace, fully autonomous weapons, also known as killer robots, will soon become a reality. In the meantime, a campaign coordinated by Human Rights Watch is asking governments to stop them.

Why modern slavery cannot be solved without the financial sector
Over 40 million people are estimated to be victims of modern slavery or human trafficking, and the financial sector needs to play a role in eradicating it, says Fiona Reynolds, CEO of the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. Speaking at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva last month, Reynolds presented an action plan designed by a commission she chaired.

Swiss companies fall short in Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
Over half of major companies across four key sectors are failing on human rights—particularly on due diligence—according to the latest Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB). Of the five Swiss companies ranked, none scored above 60 percent. Speaking at the UN Forum on Business & Human Rights, Margaret Wachenfeld, CHRB board director, explains where firms are falling short.

Crunch time for UN talks on killer robots as business demands clarity
Talks over a treaty to ban lethal autonomous weapons—so-called killer robots—have come to a head at the UN in Geneva after campaigners, backed by 30 nations, businesses, scientists, and NGOs, called on states to turn up the heat on the “glacial” pace of negotiations. With another two years of talks planned and no laws to stop them, there are concerns that the arms industry and certain countries will continue to ramp up development of these weapons.

Geneva launches first Center for Business and Human Rights in Europe
The University of Geneva is launching the first center dedicated to human rights at a business school in Europe, in collaboration with NYU’s Stern School in the U.S. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, the center’s director, discusses upcoming projects and why a proposal to hold Swiss-based multinationals accountable for human rights violations abroad won’t work without proper measures to ensure companies are putting rules into practice.


10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...

Studie: Globaler KI-Markt wächst dreimal so schnell wie der Tech-Markt

Paris/Hamburg (ots) - - Fast jeder dritte KI-Dollar...

Nicht verpassen

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk...

Studie: Globaler KI-Markt wächst dreimal so schnell wie der Tech-Markt

Paris/Hamburg (ots) - - Fast jeder dritte KI-Dollar...

Start in den E-Commerce: Giuseppe Pistone bringt angehende Amazon Reseller auf den richtigen Weg

Schwerte (ots) - Reselling auf Amazon ist eine gute...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Nach Bierpreis-Schock zum Oktoberfest: Knuspr friert Bierpreise ein / Stimmungsbarometer zu Trank und Speisen bei diesjähriger Wiesn

München (ots) - In wenigen Tagen startet die 189. Wiesn. Besonders im Fokus dieses Jahr: die Bierpreise. Zum ersten Mal überschreitet der Preis für...

10 Jahre Svea Solar / Eine Erfolgsstory aus dem Rheinland

Köln (ots) - Die Svea Solar Deutschland GmbH feiert ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen und blickt auf eine beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte zurück. Seit der Gründung der deutschen...

Nexaro geht neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet ein

Wuppertal (ots) - Die Nexaro GmbH erweitert ihr Distributionsnetzwerk durch eine neue Partnerschaft mit RoboPlanet, einem Anbieter von integrierten Lösungen für Service- und Reinigungsrobotik,...