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Photovoltaik-Investments für alle: Exporo öffnet den Markt für Privatanleger

Hamburg Erneuerbare Energien boomen - und Photovoltaikanlagen stehen dabei...

Rüstung ist nicht nachhaltig / Keine militärische Zeitenwende unter...

Bochum (ots) - Geldanlagen in Munition, Panzer oder Dual-Use-Güter...

Security Essen: Die Leitmesse für Sicherheit feiert 50-jähriges Jubiläum...

Essen (ots) - Das Thema Sicherheit ist aktueller denn...


The University of Geneva is launching the first center dedicated to human rights at a business school in Europe, in collaboration with NYU’s Stern School in the U.S. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, the center’s director, discusses upcoming projects and why a proposal to hold Swiss-based multinationals accountable for human rights violations abroad won’t work without proper measures to ensure companies are putting rules into practice.


Geneva launches first Center for Business and Human Rights in Europe
The University of Geneva is launching the first center dedicated to human rights at a business school in Europe, in collaboration with NYU’s Stern School in the U.S. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, the center’s director, discusses upcoming projects and why a proposal to hold Swiss-based multinationals accountable for human rights violations abroad won’t work without proper measures to ensure companies are putting rules into practice.

How much climate change is costing Switzerland
In just 15 days this past summer, Switzerland saw the equivalent of one year’s drinking water melt from its glaciers, something that hurt power production and impacted infrastructure.

Water supply on edge in Swiss Alps too, warns Mountain Summit
The impact of climate change on mountain ecosystems is putting the world’s water supplies—and the economies that rely on them—at risk, warns Carolina Adler, co-chair of the inaugural High Mountain Summit organized by the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva. This comes after the heat wave earlier this year caused Swiss glaciers to melt at record rates.

Millennials’ message on global trade: “please listen to us”
Millennials and Generation Z now account for two-thirds of the global workforce and need to be given a bigger say in the debate on the future of global trade. That was one of the resounding messages delivered by a dedicated panel of young entrepreneurs invited to speak at the 2019 WTO Public Forum in Geneva. Andrés Escobar, founder of U.S.-based IMPCT Coffee, and Chebet Lesan, founder of Kenya’s Bright Green Renewable Energy, say it’s as simple as “please listen to us.”

How much does the trade war cost?
Forecasts for global growth have been downgraded. The trade war, besides being unaffordable, is also preventing other challenges from being addressed, as American economist Jeffrey Sachs explains.

U.S., not China, poses biggest threat to global trade, new book asserts
China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 had huge ramifications for the global trading system and in shaping the events that have led to today’s U.S.-China trade war, explains author Paul Blustein in his new book, “Schism: China, America, and the Fracturing of the Global Trading System.” But Blustein, a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, argues that the Trump administration actually poses a bigger threat to the system with its decision to “flagrantly violate” WTO rules.

What it takes to make sustainable finance mainstream
The finance sector needs to take the sustainability discussion from niche to mainstream if it wants to play its part in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, WWF Switzerland CEO Thomas Vellacott has urged. He was speaking at the 2019 Building Bridges Summit in Geneva, where 800 NGO officials, bankers, wealth managers, and regulators joined forces to discuss how to boost their efforts in sustainable finance.

“We shouldn’t need Greta to remind us of the problems”
The United Nations kicked off its General Assembly in New York last week with the day-long Climate Action Summit, attended by heads of state, business leaders, and youth activists. But one main criticism was a lack of new commitments, especially by the world’s biggest polluting countries, like the U.S. and


Photovoltaik-Investments für alle: Exporo öffnet den Markt für Privatanleger

Hamburg Erneuerbare Energien boomen - und Photovoltaikanlagen stehen dabei...

Rüstung ist nicht nachhaltig / Keine militärische Zeitenwende unter ESG-Label

Bochum (ots) - Geldanlagen in Munition, Panzer oder Dual-Use-Güter...

Nicht verpassen

Photovoltaik-Investments für alle: Exporo öffnet den Markt für Privatanleger

Hamburg Erneuerbare Energien boomen - und Photovoltaikanlagen stehen dabei...

Rüstung ist nicht nachhaltig / Keine militärische Zeitenwende unter ESG-Label

Bochum (ots) - Geldanlagen in Munition, Panzer oder Dual-Use-Güter...

Sascha Mende von der NewMarket Digital GmbH: Warum digitales Franchise ein einfacher Weg zu finanzieller Freiheit ist

Wittingen (ots) - Finanzielle Freiheit durch ein automatisches Nebeneinkommen...
Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Photovoltaik-Investments für alle: Exporo öffnet den Markt für Privatanleger

Hamburg Erneuerbare Energien boomen - und Photovoltaikanlagen stehen dabei an vorderster Front. Mit Exporo können auch Privatanleger von diesem Wachstumsmarkt profitieren und gleichzeitig zur...

Rüstung ist nicht nachhaltig / Keine militärische Zeitenwende unter ESG-Label

Bochum (ots) - Geldanlagen in Munition, Panzer oder Dual-Use-Güter könnten bald als nachhaltig gelten. Die Politik erhofft sich einen Schub durch das Kapital von...

Security Essen: Die Leitmesse für Sicherheit feiert 50-jähriges Jubiläum / Über 500 Aussteller zeigen vom 17. bis 20. September in der Messe Essen ihre...

Essen (ots) - Das Thema Sicherheit ist aktueller denn je. Ob Cyberkriminalität, Einbruchsschutz, oder Zutrittskontrolle - der Bedarf in Industrie, Unternehmen und privaten Haushalten...