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Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und...

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz...

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23....

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die...


The Basel-based Bank for International Settlements is the bank of central banks. General manager Agustín Carstens sits down to discuss central bank digital currencies and why there’s no “clear case” for an e-franc in Switzerland. On Libra, Carsten says it is a “provocative proposition” but that it still needs to build a better case to convince the BIS.

Bank for International Settlements: Libra needs to make a better case
The Basel-based Bank for International Settlements is the bank of central banks. General manager Agustín Carstens sits down to discuss central bank digital currencies and why there’s no “clear case” for an e-franc in Switzerland. On Libra, Carsten says it is a “provocative proposition” but that it still needs to build a better case to convince the BIS.

Nov. 1: What happened in blockchain this week?
Here’s what happened in blockchain in Switzerland this week. The Swiss Blockchain Federation celebrates its first anniversary; Sygnum gets the go-ahead in Singapore; and a new contender eyes the Swiss banking sector.

Swiss Blockchain Federation: 2020 will be challenging
The Swiss Blockchain Federation is celebrating its first anniversary. The organization focuses on promoting Switzerland’s blockchain hub, which stretches from Ticino to Geneva. Its co-founders Mathias Ruch and Lorenz Furrer discuss Libra and express concern over a lack of funding for blockchain start-ups and self-promotion. “We have a lot of competitors all over the world,” says Furrer. “We have to fight for our position.”

Oct. 25: What happened in blockchain this week?
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg on Capitol Hill discusses Libra; SIX talks about the future of its Swiss digital exchange; and Crypto Valley expands from Zug to Vaduz, Liechtenstein.

SIX Digital Exchange: “From absolutely nothing to over 120 employees”
SIX is pushing ahead with the 2020 rollout of its digital assets exchange, maintaining that it is “reasonably on track” with a team over 100 people. Thomas Zeeb, head securities and exchanges, discusses regulatory roadblocks, partnership with the Swiss National Bank, and why they’re eyeing assets like art and wine. He also predicts that it will be at least a decade before SIX looks into “decommissioning” its traditional exchange. “And in our world at the moment,” he says, “that’s a heck of a long time.”

Oct. 18: What happened in blockchain this week?
Here’s what happened in blockchain in Switzerland this week. PostFinance and Energie Wasser Bern turn to blockchain to make electricity billing easier; Geneva trader MKS is behind a new gold-backed token; and 21 founding members sign the Libra charter in Geneva.

UNICEF targets USD 25 million in new cryptocurrency fund
The United Nations Children’s Fund is the latest organization to accept crypto donations. The Swiss-based Ethereum Foundation made the first donation of 100 Ether and 1 Bitcoin. Christopher Fabian from UNICEF Innovation says the new crypto fund is targeting USD 25 million but admits philanthropy and blockchain is still a niche.

October 11: What happened in blockchain this week?
Here’s what happened in blockchain this week. The Swiss National Bank links up with SIX and BIS on digital assets; Liechtenstein approves new Blockchain Act; and UNICEF opens new crypto fund.

Liechtenstein Blockchain Act steps ahead of Switzerland
The Liechtenstein Blockchain Act will go into effect on January 1, 2020. Thomas Nägele, president of the Crypto Country Association and co-author of the act, expects up to 20 Swiss companies to relocate to Liechtenstein next year. “When it comes to legislation, we are ahead,” he says.

October 4: What happened in blockchain this week?
Here’s what happened in blockchain in Switzerland this week. The Libra Association COO says requests to join the project are rolling in worldwide; the State Secretariat for International Finance shares its latest update on Libra; a new blockchain pilot in canton Schaffhausen; and gearing up for Crypto Finance Conference 2020.


Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

Nicht verpassen

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company...

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Tanja Schiller
Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Marco Otten ist neuer CMO von Quirin Privatbank und quirion

Berlin (ots) - - Der erfahrene Marketer zeichnet für das Marketing von Quirin Privatbank und quirion verantwortlich - Mit seinem 18-köpfigen Team will er den...

Ramboll erwirbt Health Science Beratung SCC und erweitert Kompetenz für Produktsicherheit und Regulatorik

Bad Kreuznach/Kopenhagen (ots) - Die SCC Scientific Consulting Company ist ab sofort Teil der Ingenieur-, Architektur- und Managementberatung Ramboll. Die 160 Mitarbeitenden von SCC...

Digitale Vorreiter ausgezeichnet: BearingPoint und Cisco küren beim 23. eGovernment-Wettbewerb die Gewinnerprojekte für die Verwaltungsmodernisierung

Berlin (ots) - Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury hat die besten Projekte ausgewählt. In einem öffentlichen Online-Voting haben zudem 4.937 Bürgerinnen und Bürger ihr Lieblingsprojekt...