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Neue Herbstkampagne: Auszeit auf Kärntnerisch – Wohlbefinden als „Mitbringsel“

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BIEN-ZENKER erneut an der Spitze der Fertighausanbieter

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BCGE Asian Desk event – Chinese direct investment in Switzerland: the conditions for success! As part of its mission to contribute to the development of the economy of Geneva and its region, BCGE has set up the „BCGE Asian desk“ concept: a team of BCGE specialists in company financing, corporate finance and private banking, availability to provide advice and guidance to companies exploring or operating in Asian markets, a forum for entrepreneurs interested in Asia in some form or other and wishing to exchange their experiences and methods.

2019 I Bridges lead to success I Yvette Thüring
BCGE Asian Desk event – Chinese direct investment in Switzerland: the conditions for success! Bridges lead to success – Yvette Thüring, General Manager, Le Mirador Resort & Spa As part of its mission to contribute to the development of the economy of Geneva and its region, BCGE has set up the „BCGE Asian desk“ concept: – a team of BCGE specialists in company financing, corporate finance and private banking, – availability to provide advice and guidance to companies exploring or operating in Asian markets, – a forum for entrepreneurs interested in Asia in some form or other and wishing to exchange their experiences and methods. This year the BCGE Asian Desk annual seminar, in collaboration with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, was hold on 25th June 2019 in Geneva and covered the subject of chinese direct investments in Switzerland. ************************************************************************************** BCGE disclaimer This video was produced by Banque Cantonale de Genève. The subject matter is for information purposes and in no way constitutes an invitation to invest, purchase or subscribe to a financial product. The values, financial and non-financial data and opinions given in this video reflect the situation at the time of its creation and are subject to change at any time. The Bank is under no duty to update these in any way. This video is not intended for persons originating from, resident in or present in a jurisdiction subject to restriction or for whom use of this video would constitute a breach of the law or current regulations. It is entirely and exclusively the property of Banque Cantonale de Genève and as such is subject to author’s rights. It may not be copied, modified, shared or referenced without the Bank’s consent. No part of the video may be used without the written permission of BCGE. All rights reserved © BCGE 2019

2019 I Chinese investments in Switzerland: Status quo, experiences and challenges I ZHU Juemin
BCGE Asian Desk event – Chinese direct investment in Switzerland: the conditions for success! Chinese investments in Switzerland: Status quo, experiences and challenges – ZHU Juemin, Head of China Desk, KPMG Switzerland As part of its mission to contribute to the development of the economy of Geneva and its region, BCGE has set up the „BCGE Asian desk“ concept: – a team of BCGE specialists in company financing, corporate finance and private banking, – availability to provide advice and guidance to companies exploring or operating in Asian markets, – a forum for entrepreneurs interested in Asia in some form or other and wishing to exchange their experiences and methods. This year the BCGE Asian Desk annual seminar, in collaboration with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, was hold on 25th June 2019 in Geneva and covered the subject of chinese direct investments in Switzerland. ************************************************************************************** BCGE disclaimer This video was produced by Banque Cantonale de Genève. The subject matter is for information purposes and in no way constitutes an invitation to invest, purchase or subscribe to a financial product. The values, financial and non-financial data and opinions given in this video reflect the situation at the time of its creation and are subject to change at any time. The Bank is under no duty to update these in any way. This video is not intended for persons originating from, resident in or present in a jurisdiction subject to restriction or for whom use of this video would constitute a breach of the law or current regulations. It is entirely and exclusively the property of Banque Cantonale de Genève and as such is subject to author’s rights. It may not be copied, modified, shared or referenced without the Bank’s consent. No part of the video may be used without the written permission of BCGE. All rights reserved © BCGE 2019

2019 I Highlights I Yvette Thüring
BCGE Asian Desk event – Chinese direct investment in Switzerland: the conditions for success! Bridges lead to success – Yvette Thüring, General Manager, Le Mirador Resort & Spa. As part of its mission to contribute to the development of the economy of Geneva and its region, BCGE has set up the „BCGE Asian desk“ concept: – a team of BCGE specialists in company financing, corporate finance and private banking, – availability to provide advice and guidance to companies exploring or operating in Asian markets, – a forum for entrepreneurs interested in Asia in some form or other and wishing to exchange their experiences and methods. This year the BCGE Asian Desk annual seminar, in collaboration with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, was hold on 25th June 2019 in Geneva and covered the subject of chinese direct investments in Switzerland. ************************************************************************************** BCGE disclaimer This video was produced by Banque Cantonale de Genève. The subject matter is for information purposes and in no way constitutes an invitation to invest, purchase or subscribe to a financial product. The values, financial and non-financial data and opinions given in this video reflect the situation at the time of its creation and are subject to change at any time. The Bank is under no duty to update these in any way. This video is not intended for persons originating from, resident in or present in a jurisdiction subject to restriction or for whom use of this video would constitute a breach of the law or current regulations. It is entirely and exclusively the property of Banque Cantonale de Genève and as such is subject to author’s rights. It may not be copied, modified, shared or referenced without the Bank’s consent. No part of the video may be used without the written permission of BCGE. All rights reserved © BCGE 2019



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Tanja Schillerhttps://cnnmoney.ch
Mein Name ist Tanja Schiller. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt und gehe hier bei CNNMoney meiner Berufung, dem redaktionellen Schreiben, nach. Dabei will ich Ihnen dem Leser nicht nur aktuelle News vermitteln, sondern auch Produkte auf Herz und Nieren testen und schauen, ob sie wirklich halten was sie versprechen!

Neue Herbstkampagne: Auszeit auf Kärntnerisch – Wohlbefinden als „Mitbringsel“

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